Find bugs in our website for Hacktoberfest 2021. We found that there many issues with our HTML Codes. You can help us..!


We use CSS to beautify our Hacktoberfest 2021 website. But it seems our dev team has made some mistakes. Help them to solve the CSS issues..!


We use JS for our site functions. Recently we found that some functions are not working well. Unfortunately we can't find them. Would you like try to find it?


We have some Python programs needed error corrections. Challenge accepted?


Our password encryption program has some issues. We need this program to be perfect. Are you the one we should trust?


We are about to launch a small app. But we can't build the Android Project properly. Out team is unable to fix the bugs. Can you?

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest, in its 8th year, is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean. During the month of October, we invite you to join open-source software enthusiasts, beginners, and the developer community by contributing to open-source projects. You can do this in a variety of ways:

Support open source throughout October!

Hacktoberfest encourages participation in the open source community, which grows bigger every year. Complete the 2021 challenge and earn a limited edition T-shirt. 

Hacktoberfest Ends In!

Rules and Procedure

Pull requests can be made in any participating GitHub or GitLab hosted repository/projects. Look for the 'hacktoberfest' topic to know if a project is participating in Hacktoberfest. 

You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31. Just be sure to sign up on the official Hacktoberfest website for your pull requests to count.


The pull request must contain commits you made yourself.

If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam, it will not be counted toward your participation in Hacktoberfest.

If a maintainer reports behavior that’s not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.

A pull request is considered approved once it has an overall approving review from maintainers, or has been merged by maintainers, or has been given the 'hacktoberfest-accepted' label.

To get a shirt, you must make four approved pull requests (PRs) on opted-in projects between October 1-31 in any time zone.

This year, the first 50,000 participants can earn a T-shirt. 

Contact Info

Colombo, Sri Lanka

#EdviconEdu #Hacktoberfest #DigitalOcean

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